Blessing of the Guru Nanak Dev ji on Founder’s Day

Salwan Girls Senior Secondary School organized an AKhand paath Sahib on 5th December 2022 in the memory of the late Shri Pandit Girdhari Salwan Ji; our Founder Father(SGS) at the Janak Juneja Auditorium of Salwan Girls School.

During the three days of Akhand paath , students of our school and sister institutions of the campus, all the staff members working under the umbrella of Salwan Education Trust and a few Trust members sought the blessings of Guru Granth sahib ji.

The samapti of Akhand paath sahib ji was followed by Hukamnama and Shabad kirtan by our students creating a mesmerizing poise environment. Bhai Isher singh ji added with his devotional singing. Programme culminated with the serving of Langar. 

Celebrating Founder’s Day in this innovative way has created a positive environment inculcating spiritual values in the students.

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