ATL Community Day Celebration

Together we can innovate for an AtmaNirbhar Bharat

With an aim to provide opportunity to innovate and maximize the impact of ATL to the Non- ATL school children, Salwan Girls Sr. Sec. School celebrated ATL community day to extend the learning beyond our school, wherein 12 teachers and 100 students from different schools were invited to celebrate the innovation festival.

The students were given challenging tasks to create interest, connect with the technology and its application.

The two days’ event started with mentors welcoming all the students to encourage them to tinker. Following activities were scheduled:
1. Create a doodler using the Tinkering kit
2. Robotics session – Creating a simple robot car using robotic kit
3. Graphite rod conduction
4. Flying of drone by a student mentor

Most striking feature of the event was that it was completely mentored by a group of students of class 9th and 10th. The student mentor worked diligently and enthusiastically to make this event a grand success.
The day ended with the smiles of children who believed in innovation.

Overall our celebration was impactful as it was celebrated with great enthusiasm and focus on “Do it yourself “, “Teamwork” and “Innovation for all “.

Kudos to ATL for sowing the seeds of innovation!


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